SITUATION 1: Is it permissible to use goal post padding? RULING:
Goal post padding is legal, but not required, as long as it is
padding that is manufactured specifically for soccer goal posts.
SITUATION 2: Can schools purchase nets with the name or mascot
of the school stenciled on it? RULING: Yes. Note: The NCAA does
not allow any markings on nets other than a single
manufacturer's identification/logo of appropriate size.
SITUATION 3: May soccer players tape socks? RULING: Yes, socks
may be taped as long as the taping does not interfere with the
predominant color of the sock and does not prevent shinguards
from protecting the shin.
SITUATION 4: A soccer game is played on a field marked for other
sports. In Field A, markings that contrast to the other sports
markings are used to indicate the soccer field areas; in field B
the same markings used for other sports are used for the soccer
field. RULING: Legal in both Field A and Field B. Note in Field
B it is recommended that contrasting colors be used to indicate
the soccer field areas. (1-2-1)
SITUATION 4: Do officials have the option to use the official
NFHS Soccer Signals in a contest? RULING: No, officials must use
the proper NFHS Soccer Signals when signaling.
SITUATION 5: When the entire team arrives at the contest wearing
an illegal uniform, does the official have the authority to
declare a forfeit? RULING: No, if a waiver from the state
association is not available then the team must make every
effort to make the uniform legal. The game will be played. After
the game, the official must notify the state association of the
illegal uniforms.
SITUATION 6: The coach does not have responsibility for the
equipment his/her players are wearing. RULING: Incorrect. Rule
4-3-1 states, "Each coach shall be responsible for ensuring that
each of his/her players is properly equipped." The coach's role
is to work with officials to ensure that players are wearing
equipment that is legal by rule and safe for play.
SITUATION 7: Which of the following types of equipment is
legal/illegal? (a) A head protector made of closed-cell, slow
recovery rubber or similar material that stays soft in its final
form worn by a goalkeeper; (b) A head protector made of
closed-cell, slow recovery rubber or similar material that stays
soft in its final form worn by a field player; (c) A face mask
designed to protect a broken nose; (d) A guard worn over
eyeglasses; (e) prewrap used as a hair control device. RULING:
Legal in (a); legal in (e) if not tied with a knot; illegal in
(b), (c) and (d). (4-2-1)
SITUATION 8: Are religious head wraps or long skirts legal for
play in soccer? RULING: Religious head wraps must be approved
for play by the state association. Skirts generally would be
permitted. Remember, any apparel or equipment that is confusing
or dangerous shall be declared illegal. (4-2-1)
SITUATION 9: The referee discovers during play that there are
multiple manufacturers' logos on the (a) goal posts; (b) nets;
(c) warm-ups worn by Team A on the bench; (d) coach's hat; (e)
player's socks. RULING: Legal in (c), (d), and (e). The apparel
logo restriction applies to players' uniforms only. Socks are
exempt. Illegal in (a) and (b). The game should continue and the
proper authorities notified. (1-4-1, 1-4-2 and 4-1-1)
SITUATION 10: A soccer game is played on a field marked for
other sports. In field A, markings that contrast to the other
sports markings are used to indicate the soccer field areas; in
field B, the same markings used for other sports are used for
the soccer field. RULING: Legal in both field A and field B.
Note in field B it is recommended that contrasting colors be
used to indicate the soccer field areas. (1-2-1)
SITUATION 11: On a throw-in: (a) only the team gaining
possession of the ball is permitted to substitute as long as
that team's player(s) has reported to the scorer's table prior
to the dead-ball situation; (b) both teams are permitted to
substitute as long as both team's substitutes have reported to
the scorer's table prior to the dead ball situation; (c) the
defending team can substitute after the dead ball if the team in
possession had a substitute at the table prior to the dead ball;
or (d) after the dead ball, both teams can substitute but only
if both teams agree to substitute at that time. RULING: Correct
in (b). Incorrect in (a), (c), and (d). (3-3-4)
SITUATION 12: Player A1 is discovered to be wearing a religious
medal: (a) taped to her body; (b) tight around the neck, but not
taped to her body. RULING: Legal in (a); illegal in (b) (4-2-4)
SITUATION 13: During regular-season games, teams in State A go
to penalty kicks when the game ends in a tie at the end of 80
minutes of play. In State B, two 10-minute overtime periods are
followed by penalty kicks to determine a winner. RULING: Legal
in both states. State associations have authority to adopt a
tie-breaking procedure for regular-season play if a game is tied
at the end of 80 minutes. (7-3-1)
SITUATION 14: In regard to uniforms, may a commemorative or
memorial patch, not to exceed 4 square inches be worn on the
jersey? RULING: Legal, as long as there is written approval from
the state association and the patch does not interfere with the
number on the jersey. (4-1-1)
SITUATION 15: A goalkeeper receives the ball from one of his
defenders and after she gains possession/control uses 10 steps
and 6 seconds before she distributes the ball. RULING: Legal.
The goalkeeper must distribute the ball within 6 seconds after
she takes possession/control. (12-7-1)
SITUATION 16: Is it permissible, when using the diagonal system
of officiating, for the referee to wear a different color shirt
than the assistant referees? RULING: It is not permissible for
the referee to be dressed differently than the assistant
referees, even if the assistant referees are dressed alike. All
officials must be dressed alike in all systems of officiating.
SITUATION 17: Is it permissible for officials to wear a shirt
with the USSF logo on it? RULING: No, unless permitted by the
state association.
SITUATION 18: Team A is awarded a penalty kick. Player A
approaches the ball, then fakes, stops abruptly, then kicks the
ball into the goal. The referee: (a) nullifies the goal and
awards the ball to Team B; (b) counts the goal; (c) nullifies
the goal and orders Team A to retake the kick properly. RULING:
Legal in (c); illegal in (a) and (b). (14-1-4)
SITUATION 19: Player B1 is wearing a pair of: (a) deliberately
altered shinguards; (b) not age-appropriate shinguards; (c)
shinguards on the shins; (d) shinguards on the inside-outside of
the lower legs (ankles). RULING: Legal in (c); illegal in (a),
(b), and (d). (4-1-1)
SITUATION 20: Is it mandatory for the head referee to address
coaches and players prior to the game about good sportsmanship?
RULING: Yes, it is mandatory. The NFHS is instituting this
practice in all sports. (5-2-2)
SITUATION 21: Following the scoring of a goal: (a) Player A does
a body slide in front of the opponent's bench; (b) pulls her
shirt up over her head; (c) together with other teammates jumps
up and down to celebrate the goal. RULING: Legal in (c) as long
as the celebration does not delay the restart of the game.
Illegal in (a) and (b). The referee shall disqualify the player
for excessive celebration (12-8-2b)
SITUATION 22: A throw-in by a player from Team A: (a) hits the
touchline and bounces into the field of play; (b) hits or breaks
the plane of the touchline and goes out of the field of play;
(c) lands outside the touchline and bounces into the field of
play; (d) does not hit or break the plane of the touchline but
remains outside; (e) is thrown with spin on the ball. RULING:
Legal in (a) and (e) and play continues; legal in (b) and award
throw-in to Team B; illegal in (c) and (d) and award throw-in to
Team B. (15-1 [1-5])
SITUATION 23: At the start of the game: (a) no ballholders were
available; (b) the coach had not inspected players for proper
equipment; (c) the referee inspected both teams proper equipment
including shinguards and spikes. RULING: Correct procedure in
(c) (6-1-1 and 6-1-2); illegal in (a) after attempts to recruit
bench players and spectators to be ballholders have been
exhausted, make a report to the home school's administration,
but still play the game. (6-1-1 and 6-1-2) Incorrect procedure
in (b); each coach shall be responsible for ensuring that each
of his/her players is properly equipped. (4-3-1)
SITUATION 24: A player from Team A was carded for a foul or
misconduct; (a) the referee notified only the player of the
infraction; (b) the referee notified both the player and the
player's coach of the infraction; (c) the referee notifies the
player and both coaches of the infraction; and (d) the referee
notifies the player and asks the assistant referee to notify
both coaches of the infraction. RULING: Correct procedure in (c)
and (d); incorrect procedure in (a) and (b). (5-3-1 e and f)