Rule Update



ASOA Minutes

The August 5, 2001 meeting was held at the American Legion in Hagerstown at 7:00 PM. Those in attendance were:

Pat Durbin Ron Ritchie Gerry Philp Cody Gossard
Michael Cotleur Dirk Coble Greg Garretson Dave Hanlin
Brian Palank Kevin Minnich Ed Miller Doug Mason
Gary Capriotti Mike Rephann Larry Southard  

It was pointed out that the referee should call his AR's the day before their game to confirm they are doing the game, make certain everyone is in the same color uniform, and verify the game time and location.

Part I test was taken during the meeting and disagreements in answers were discussed and agreed upon.

I drafted the letter to the AD's concerning the availability of referees for West Virginia games. Discussion was held and with one correction, the letter will be sent to all West Virginia AD's in our area.

A reminder was issued to ascertain that shin guards must cover the entire shin. The shin guards are not to be altered in any way.

The new rule allows for zero tolerance on abusive language and tuanting. Warnings are not to be issued. Enforce this rule to the max. No exceptions-don't let the game get out of hand.

The new fee distribution for this year is as follows:

Varsity $40 $23 $23 Dual $42 $42
JV $32 $18 $18 Dual $34 $34

The weather policy could not be agreed upon. Cody will submit a proposal for the new policy at the next meeting. A vote will be taken at that time.

A proposed increase in ASOA dues from $15 to $20 will be voted upon at the end of the season depending upon our financial status.

It was voted that no games will be covered on the night of the Part II test.

Remember the Part II test is Monday, August 20th, beginning at 7:30 PM at South Middle School in Martinsburg. Please be prompt. Our meeting for September will be held immediately after the Part II test. Remember not to leave after completing the test.



Appalachian Soccer Officials Association | Route 3 Box 694 | Harpers Ferry |  West Virginia | 25425

©2001 Appalachian Soccer Officials Association
Please send your suggestions and comments to our Web Site Manager at
Special thanks to Mike Wriston for his web page design and graphics support!